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What to Expect with Invisalign - Columbus

Your Treatment Journey from Beginning to End

holding Invisalign

Many adults and teenagers alike flock to get Invisalign treatment in Columbus because it is discreet, effective, and convenient. Still, you might have questions about what to expect throughout the treatment procedure. This page will take you on a tour of the Invisalign treatment process from beginning to end.


Getting Started

Invisalign and teeth model

If you’re interested in getting started with Invisalign, schedule a consultation with Dr. Amin Mason. First, he’ll evaluate you to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment. If it looks like Invisalign will be able to effectively treat your case, his staff will take digital impressions and images of your teeth, which will be sent to the Invisalign lab. The laboratory will create a digital simulation of your treatment which will require modification by Dr. Mason. Once the tooth movement is viewed and modified by Dr. Mason , your aligners are fabricated and sent back to our office.

Before you get your first set of aligners, attachments will be bonded on your teeth. Attachments are small, tooth-colored bondings that will allow the aligners to move your teeth and retain rour aligners on your teeth.


Wearing the Aligners

putting Invisalign in mouth

You’ll have to wear your aligners as much as possible throughout your treatment period — at least 20 to 22 hours each day. Because some teenagers need a bit of extra motivation to comply with treatment, Invisalign for teens in Columbus includes little blue compliance dots on the aligners. The dots help parents and Dr. Mason ensure that younger patients are wearing their Invisalign trays.

If you ever run into any problems throughout your treatment period, get in touch with us. For example, if you lose or damage an aligner, we can order a replacement for you. Invisalign Teen comes with available replacement aligners .

You might notice a bit of soreness in your mouth when you switch to wearing a new aligner. That’s perfectly normal, and it shouldn’t last for longer than a day or two. You can mitigate the discomfort by taking over the counter pain reliever medications.


Invisalign Checkup Appointments

dental checkup

Every 10-12 weeks, you’ll need to visit our office for a quick checkup. Dr. Mason will make sure your treatment is proceeding smoothly and provide you with your next set of aligners. In most cases, these appointments take just a few minutes; you could probably even come in on your lunch break!

Your Invisalign checkups aren’t an excuse to neglect visits to your regular dentist. You’ll still need routine cleanings and exams throughout your treatment period.


Wrapping Up Your Treatment

After you’ve worked your way through all your aligners, Dr. Mason will provide you with retainers. Wearing your retainers is vital if you want to maintain your new beautiful smile t. At first, you may need to wear them full-time. As the months pass, you’ll be able to wear them only at night. Eventually, you may need to wear them for only a couple of nights each week.

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