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Invisalign vs. Other Orthodontic Treatments - Columbus

How Should You Straighten Your Smile?

Smiling man pointing at his Invisalign aligner

Modern orthodontic science has progressed to the point where patients are often able to choose between several treatment options. Invisalign is popular due to its subtle appearance, but there are many other clear aligners on the market as well. Plus, traditional braces are still an effective way to address orthodontic issues. How should you straighten your smile? This page explains how Invisalign stacks up against other popular options.


Orthodontic patient with beautiful, straight teeth

Invisalign can correct most types of mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, gapped teeth, and more. It is suitable for teens, adults, and in some cases, children.

Other clear aligners work similarly to Invisalign, but there are usually not recommended for children. Also, keep in mind that clear aligners work best when the treatment is overseen by a qualified dental professional. Mail-order clear aligners are very risky.

Traditional braces are suitable for patients of practically any age, and they can address mild to severe cases of dental misalignment.


Two clear aligners resting on person’s hand

Invisalign aligners are constructed out of a patented form of plastic known as SmartTrack. It is engineered to produce precise, comfortable tooth movements.

Other clear aligners are made out of various forms of plastic. They can vary in thickness, comfort, and effectiveness.

Braces usually have metal brackets and wires, though some patients are candidates for ceramic brackets.


Smiling woman holding plate of food

Invisalign and other clear aligners are attractive to many patients because they are removable, which allows for easy oral hygiene. They can also allow you to continue eating all of your favorite foods.

Braces are bonded onto the teeth, so they require some adjustments to your oral hygiene routine and eating habits.


Woman holding two clear aligners in heart shape

Invisalign aligners are trimmed so they rest as comfortably as possible against the gumline. The smooth plastic is unlikely to cause irritation for soft oral tissues.

Other clear aligners may or may not be comfortable; it can vary from brand to brand.

Braces have metal parts that cause irritation for some people.


Woman’s smile with clear aligners on teeth

Invisalign and other clear aligners feature a subtle appearance in the mouth. Onlookers may be able to tell that you have something on your teeth, but your treatment is unlikely to be the first thing they notice about your smile.

Braces tend to be quite noticeable, though some types of braces are more subtle than others.

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

There are several factors that you should consider when you are deciding whether Invisalign or another type of orthodontic treatment is right for you. We encourage you to book a consultation with our team so we can help you consider the pros and cons of each of your options.

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