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Invisalign Attachments: What Are They? Do They Hurt?

August 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — polarisorthodonticcenter @ 9:19 pm
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It is fairly well-known that Invisalign uses custom clear aligner trays to correct dental misalignment. But did you know that attachments are sometimes necessary for successful treatment? What exactly are Invisalign attachments, how do they work, and how will they affect your treatment experience? This blog post explains what you should know.

An Introduction to Invisalign Attachments

While the term “Invisalign attachment” might seem like something that gets attached to your aligners, attachments actually get placed on your teeth! They are small, tooth-colored bumps that get placed on specific teeth in order to guide the force of your aligners. They provide valuable anchorage that can help your orthodontist to move your teeth in the most efficient way possible. They are different from Invisalign bumps and bite ramps, which do get attached to your aligners.

If you need attachments, that will likely be discussed during your initial Invisalign consultation. For many patients, the attachments must stay in place throughout their entire treatment. In some cases, though, they can be removed sooner.

What Do the Attachments Feel Like?

The process of placing Invisalign attachments is pretty comfortable. After your appointment, you may experience some mild discomfort due to the new level of pressure that is being placed on your teeth. This should wear off fairly quickly.

Removing Invisalign attachments is also easy. Your orthodontist will use specialized instruments to remove them, then polish off any residue. You should not experience any pain throughout this process.

What Else Should You Know About Invisalign Attachments?

Because the attachments are small and discreet, they should not have any significant impact on the way your smile looks. They should also not interfere with your ability to eat a wide variety of foods, though some caution may be necessary with hard and sticky foods (overindulgence might damage the attachments or dislodge them).

You might have heard that Invisalign attachments can stain. They can become slightly discolored, but this issue is easy to minimize by making wise food choices and sticking to a good oral hygiene routine. If any discoloration occurs on your teeth around your attachments, it is likely to be minor. Your hygienist may be able to remove it during a routine cleaning.

Invisalign attachments could be an important part of your orthodontic treatment! Talk to your care team if you have questions about them.

Meet the Practice

Under the leadership of board-certified orthodontist Dr. Amin Mason, our team provides a broad range of orthodontic services, including Invisalign clear aligners. If you are interested in straightening your teeth or have questions about what to expect throughout treatment, we would be pleased to consult with you. Contact Polaris Orthodontic Center at 614-781-6990.

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