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5 Signs You Should Use Braces to Straighten Your Teeth

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — polarisorthodonticcenter @ 4:26 am
Close-up of woman’s smile as she points at her traditional braces

In recent decades, clear aligners have become increasingly popular. Other forms of orthodontia have also emerged, giving patients a range of options. While most of these newer treatments are highly effective, that doesn’t mean they have made traditional braces obsolete. In fact, there are a number of circumstances that can make braces the best choice for someone who is looking to straighten their teeth and/or correct a misaligned bite. Let’s talk about some signs that traditional braces may be the ideal treatment for you.

Your Case Is Complex

Generally speaking, clear aligners are reserved for cases of mild to moderate dental misalignment. They may not be suitable for cases where the teeth are severely crooked or where there is a relatively major malocclusion (bad bite). Braces, on the other hand, have been used for generations to address even some extreme orthodontic problems.

If your dental misalignment is severe enough that you must use braces, but you would prefer to use Invisalign instead, tell your orthodontist. You might be able to start your treatment with braces but transition to clear aligners in the future.

You Do Not Want to Keep Track of Clear Aligners

One of the selling points of clear aligners is that they are removable. Many patients desire the freedom to eat all of their favorite foods and enjoy a simple oral hygiene routine. However, while the removability of clear aligners is largely viewed as a good thing, some people would prefer not to have to remember to wear their aligners. They might even be afraid of misplacing one. For such patients, braces are a great option because they remain on the teeth 24/7 throughout the duration of treatment.

You Want to Save Money

Often, traditional braces are the most affordable form of orthodontic treatment. That makes them an excellent option for families who are keeping a close eye on their budget. Plus, while some dental insurance policies cover braces, they are less likely to help patients pay for alternative treatments, such as clear aligners.

You Love Options

Many patients are looking for a discreet way to straighten their teeth, but others enjoy the fact that braces allow you to express yourself. Because you may be able to choose their color, you can use them to cheer on your favorite sports team, show a festive seasonal spirit, or complement the colors you usually wear. Of course, if you want your braces to be subtle, that is an option. You may even be a candidate for clear brackets and a tooth-colored wire.

You Want Efficient Treatment

Braces usually take around 18 – 36 months to straighten teeth. That might seem like a long time, but the treatment is actually very efficient. In fact, as long as you comply with instructions from your orthodontic team, you may see improvements in your teeth within just a couple of months. (Other treatments can also be efficient — your orthodontist can help you compare the estimated timeline for all of your teeth-straightening options.)

Would you like to achieve straighter teeth? Schedule a consultation with your orthodontist to find out if braces are the best option for you!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Amin Mason is an experienced, highly accomplished orthodontist who offers a range of treatments, from traditional braces to more recent innovations, such as clear aligners. If you would like to learn more about what to expect while you are straightening your teeth, he and our team would be happy to speak with you. Contact our office at 614-781-6990.

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