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5 Signs Your Child Might Need Braces

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — polarisorthodonticcenter @ 6:17 pm
Preteen boy, smiling and pointing at his braces for children

Children should visit an orthodontist by age 7. This allows the orthodontist to identify and treat potential problems early on, leading to healthier, more confident smiles for your little one as they grow up. Will your child need to wear braces? Here are some signs that braces for children might be necessary for your son or daughter:

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are the most well-known indication that braces may be necessary. When your child smiles, take note of things like rotated teeth, crooked teeth, and protruding teeth. While not all orthodontic issues are obvious, you may still be able to get some idea of whether your child will need orthodontic treatment.

Disproportionate Features

Does your child’s lower jaw seem to be in the right position, or does it look like it is too far forward or back? Do their teeth appear disproportionately large or small? These are signs that the development of your child’s oral structures is not proceeding normally and they might benefit from orthodontic treatment intervention.

Difficulty Eating

To the untrained eye, dental misalignment is not always easy to spot. Even if your child’s teeth and jaws seem to be okay, you should still pay attention to the way they eat. Do they find it easy to consume a wide range of foods, including those of varying textures? Difficulty with eating can stem from a number of different causes, but in some cases, it points to the need to see an orthodontist.

Poor Orofacial Myofunctional Habits

Does your child properly use their mouth, or have you noticed that they have some abnormal habits? For example, do they vigorously suck their thumb or fingers even though they seem too old to be doing so? Does their tongue constantly push against their front teeth? These types of poor myofunctional habits can contribute to dental misalignment and interfere with the growth of the upper and lower jaws. Your child might need orthodontic treatment along with appropriate therapy to correct bad habits.

Irregular Loss of Baby Teeth

Generally speaking, children start to lose their baby teeth around the time they are 6 years old, and they finish in their early teens. If your child loses their baby teeth too late or too early, it may have adverse consequences for their adult teeth. Orthodontic treatment can help to address such issues and encourage proper dental development.

Do you suspect that your child needs braces? Your local orthodontist is ready to help!

Meet Our Practice

Dr. Amin Mason and the team at Polaris Orthodontic Center provide a wide range of orthodontic treatments including those for young children, teenagers, and older individuals. To learn more about how we may be able to serve your family, contact us at 614-781-6990.

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